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Agri-Food Pilot

The Agri-Food Pilot program will run until May 2023 and its goal is to address the labour
needs of the Canadian agri-food sector.


To be able to apply for this program you need to have work experience in eligible jobs
classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Some of the
categories are as follow:

  • Meat production manufacturing

  • Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production

  • Animal production


Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and it starts on January
first of every year. There is a limit of applications accepted per year in each eligible


The basic requirements you need to apply under the agri-food pilots are:

  • Have work experience in one of the eligible Jobs

  • Have a job offer

  • Show knowledge of the English language

  • Meet or pass the education requirements

  • Proof of funds to support yourself

  • Have a valid status in Canada

Hay Barrels

Contact our office today to find out if this is the right process for you!

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