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Employer Specific Work Permit 

Employer-specific work permit allow a foreign national to work for one employer in Canada. There are conditions imposed on the work permit that may include: name of the employer, how long you may work for this employer and the location you may work.


Most foreign workers will require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) and a valid job offer in order to obtain an employer-specific work permit.


The Labour Market Impact Assessment (“LMIA”) is a document issued by one of the governmental bodies, Employment and Social Development Canada (“ESDC”), this document determines if the hiring of a temporary foreign worker will have a positive or negative impact on the Canadian labour market. This is a process a company may do to hire foreign workers and there are certain requirements that must be met prior and at the time of submitting the application.


You may also be exempt from needing a LMIA based on an international agreement, an agreement between Canada and a province or territory, on Canadian interests reasons and other.

Warehouse Worker with Walkie Talkie

Contact us to find out if you are eligible for an Employer Specific Work Permit! 

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